Researchers are starting to develop a better grasp on cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but this only scratches the surface of the known phytocannabinoids.
The lack of concrete knowledge on CBD and THC, including its ability to treat certain conditions, results from major discoveries in cannabis during the last few decades due to federal prohibition and research restrictions.
However, the industry is now taking a closer look at other cannabinoids in the plant to see what powers they might hold. Here we discuss just two of these beginning to make waves.
Cannabitriol (CBT) is a cannabinoid first isolated in 1968. And a study has shown that it is a major product of THC oxidative degradation.[1]
CBT is much less common in cannabis in comparison to THC and CBD, and therefore, it is considered a rare minor cannabinoid. While there is very little known about its therapeutic effects, a very early pre-clinical study showed that it could have potential to treat glaucoma.[2]
Cannabicitran (CBT-C5) is also a minor cannabinoid that is often confused with CBT but is a unique cannabinoid in its own right. There is very little known about this cannabinoid but that could quickly change.
Currently, GVB Biopharma is looking into CBT-C to delve further into its potential benefits.
The aforementioned studies have not established concrete findings on either of these cannabinoids. Research is still in the preliminary phase and much remains undiscovered. Much like other phytocannabinoid and their derivatives, academic data on the matter has a long way to go before any tangible conclusions can be made.
But these highlight the exciting state of cannabinoid research. Every day, new findings are published and we get closer and closer to a better understanding of the compounds in this magical plant.
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Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/experiment-research-laboratory-5607399/
- Brogan AP, et al. Antibody-catalyzed oxidation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2007;129(12):3698-3702.
- Elsohly MA, et al. (1984) Cannabinoids in glaucoma II: The effect of different cannabinoids on intraocular pressure of the rabbit. Current Eye Research. 1984;3(6):841-850.