Cannabidiol (CBD) provides many therapeutic benefit, such as to reduce pain, anxiety, and inflammation. The trick is figuring out how much CBD to take in order to maximize the positive effects. Some people take CBD and do not notice anything. Others may find that CBD is causing the undesirable effects of drowsiness. [1]
We are individuals with unique body compositions. There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to dosing CBD. Fortunately, medical cannabis experts offer advice to help consumers find the right dose of CBD.
CBD doses vary with the individual
CBD dosage can be difficult to determine. Dr. Dustin Sulak explained that “We all have unique internal chemistry and the cannabinoid system is very complex, so very different dosages are best for different people.”
Doctors can set a specific starting amount based on the patient’s weight. Clinical studies typically measure doses based on the patient’s weight – for example, as milligrams (mg) of CBD per kilogram (kg) of body weight (one kilogram is roughly 2.2 pounds). In a review of over 1,000 clinical trials of CBD, effective doses for various ailments ranging from less than 1 mg / kg up to 50 mg / kg were reported. [2] That means a 150-pound person (clinically) can benefit from a daily dose of CBD under 70 mg; You can also benefit from a daily dose of 3,500 mg! [2]
Dr. Sulak notes that some patients respond well to very small doses of 3-5 mg; others may need 300-500 mg. High doses may be more suitable for people with severe medical conditions. Low doses have the advantage of affordability.
DR. Rachna Patel describes two patients of similar body shape and size who suffered from insomnia. To improve sleep, one needed 2.5 mg of CBD; the other needed 50 mg of CBD.
It’s easy to see why CBD dosage creates so much confusion.
How to find the right dose of CBD
Medical experts often resort to the saying “start low and go slow”.
The Arthritis Foundation®recommends starting with “just a few milligrams of sublingual CBD twice a day”. If this protocol does not give results, the consumer can titrate up a few milligrams after a week. You continue this titration process until the desired results are achieved.
Dr. Neal Smoller offers a less rigorous, albeit similar, approach, advisory Consumers to start with a low dose, record their experience, and try another dose after 4 hours as needed.
Dr. Sulak helps patients find the right dose within four days. note that “ultra-low doses can be extremely effective, sometimes even more than the others” [high-dose] extreme.”
Finding out how much CBD is right for you requires trial and error. Some benefit from low doses while others require high doses. Medical cannabis experts almost always recommend starting low, going slowly, and titrating to success.
1- Huestis M, et al. Cannabidiol side effects and toxicity. Current neuropharmacology. 2019; 17: 974-989. 10.2174 / 1570159X17666190603171901
2- Millar SA, Stone NL, Bellman ZD, Yates AS, England TJ, O’Sullivan SE. A systematic review of cannabidiol dosage in clinical populations. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2019; 85 (9): 1888-1900. doi: 10.1111 / bcp.14038
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