CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of more than 140 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is not the cannabinoid that has the psychoactive effect; that’s THC.
Although it delivers a cannabis experience without a high, CBD has been gaining its own ground lately, especially when it comes to creating a buzz in the bedroom. There’s a wealth of anecdotal evidence from enthusiastic users across the world that CBD lubricants and other intimacy products can be game-changing when it comes to women’s sexual pleasure, and their sexual health.
Revitalising women’s wisdom
Over the past decade, cannabis prohibitions have been easing across the world, including South Africa. What is steadily coming to light is just how the plant and its uses have been systemically distorted and stigmatised to justify its criminalisation in the 20th century.
There are records dating back to antiquity detailing the use of the cannabis plant as a treatment for illness and a tonic to maintain wellness. Cannabis was the medicine woman’s go-to herb for women’s sexual and reproductive health. With its effectiveness in reducing stress and anxiety, inflammation and pain, it was part of gynaecological remedies over a lifetime, from menstrual cramps and heavy bleeding to painful sex; through childbirth to postnatal care; from treating sexually transmitted infections to easing menopausal conditions.
These were historic uses of the cannabis plant, and it is important to note that CBD as a cannabis derivative is not yet regarded as sufficiently scientifically tested for efficacy in treating these ailments today. CBD is not recommended for use by pregnant and breastfeeding moms.
Reclaiming women’s sexual wellness
Physiotherapist and pelvic health specialist Candice Langford, the social media innovator of Nurture Your Vagina, points out that when it comes to women’s sexuality, society remains shadowed by pervasive negative sex messages.
There is, too often, an arid gulf between women’s own presentation of their oh-so-bold 21st century sexiness and the hushed reality of their actual sexual experiences. Langford says, “I created Nurture Your Vagina as a safe space, curated with an intention to enlighten, empower and educate followers about topics relating to pelvic and sexual health – topics that are all too often considered taboo or brushed under the carpet.”
Langford says: “Lubrication is wonderful, there is no shame in reaching for lube! We know that lube has the potential to enhance sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Lube not only provides a reduction in friction but also an opportunity to connect with your genitalia through different sensations, explore new senses, play, reduce inhibitions and enjoy sexually relevant stimuli. Lubricants also play an important role in managing discomfort or making up for a lack of natural lubrication. In my opinion, lube should be an essential on your shopping list.”
It’s a match made in sexual heaven. The buzz that CBD brings to the lube party is healthy relaxation, heightened pleasure and a boost of genuine sexual wellness that lasts a lot longer than just a single sexy session. Being well-informed about choosing a quality CBD lube product also brings peace of mind that what you’re silkily applying down there is good for you in more ways than one.
The US pioneer of world-leading CBD lube Foria is steadfast in maintaining that broad-spectrum CBD trumps CBD isolate. Broad-spectrum CBD excludes psychoactive THC but maintains the integrity of the many other natural components of the health-giving cannabis plant such as terpenes and flavonoids. By contrast, the processing of CBD isolate strips away everything else.
What you need to know about choosing your lube:
Langford advises, “Take a moment to read the ingredient list. Consider the source of your product of choice and be mindful of harsh ingredients that may cause irritation.
The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends selecting a lubrication that has a pH 4.5 for vaginal use and less than pH 7 for rectal use. These factors will aid in helping you maintain natural vaginal pH and tissue integrity.”
Lubes are either:
Water based – readily available, toy compatible but require repeated applications and contain additives
Oil based (avoid petroleum based) – not latex compatible, last longer than water based, typically natural and/or organic, can be hydrating..
Silicone based – more expensive, not compatible with silicone toys, lasts the longest, can be used in water, not absorbed and typically pure.
“When purchasing any new item we need to be mindful that we are all different and have different sensitivities to ingredients,” says Langford. “Before using a new lube do a patch test on your inner arm, and then on your inner thigh if you are particularly sensitive. Rub it in for at least 2 minutes and monitor to see if you have any adverse effects.”
Original Article: https://www.iol.co.za/lifestyle/health/so-whats-the-buzz-with-cbd-in-lube-b9ffe31c-800e-4834-a9dc-ef4c239b38f0